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档案学研究  2011, Vol. 25 Issue (4): 91-96    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2011.04.001
王云庆, 陈洁
山东大学历史文化学院 济南 250100
On the Content and Features of Official Personnel Records in Palace Memorials of the Reign of Emperor Yong zheng
Yunqing Wang, Jie Chen
School of History and Culture,Shandong University,Jinan,250100
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Palace memorial was so widely used during the reign of Emperor Yong zheng that it had become an important political system for the Qing rulers to govern the whole country. Actually it contains series unique thoughts on file management. Especially in the royal assented introduction lists and officials resumes, there are several shining modern factors about personnel records management. So this paper elaborates palace memorial on perspective of the officials file instead of the document file as usual. After a preliminary analysis, it could be concluded that the management of Yong zheng officials file obtained modernity via the reforms of official file processing. And these precious ideas, such as the duplicate, secrecy, timely updating, have provided a significant reference for nowadays modern management of the cadres file.

出版日期: 2017-11-28
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王云庆, 陈洁. 雍正奏折中官员人事档案工作内容及特点研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2011, 25(4): 91-96.

Yunqing Wang, Jie Chen. On the Content and Features of Official Personnel Records in Palace Memorials of the Reign of Emperor Yong zheng. Archives Science Study, 2011, 25(4): 91-96.


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