In order to improve the quality of the news,to release the news timely , to serve better for media in china archives,In this paper we promoted a proposal of building up a modem Archives News Service Computer Network System (ANSCNS). ANSCNS takes full advantage of the technologies of following fields: computer, network, database, and modem communication. We can process our news manuscripts in a digital mode. All procedures of writing, modifying, and accomplish the archives news process program in a network circuit.
一是公文管理(发文、收文、档案管理),特点是支持语音录入、手写录入,能实现收发公文流程的自由设置和流程监控;二是事务管理(人事办公事务和财务事务),特点是能够规范和固化行政办公流程,实现各项事务的自助处理;三是日程管理(有多种方式,如邮件提醒、短消息提醒、BP 机提醒、电话提醒),特点是按日、周、月显示日程,并可对日程进行公布、存储、查询; 四是会议管理(会议室管理、会议通知管理),特点是能与日程管理紧密联系,可进行会议提醒,可进行会议纪要管理;五是邮件管理(电子邮件收发、扩展 Web访问)。
王善柏. 档案期刊编辑计算机管理系统设计与研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2008, 22(1): 52-54.