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档案学研究  2021, Vol. 35 Issue (5): 124-131    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2021.05.019
  档案史料研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
西藏民族大学 咸阳 712082
Peaceful Liberation for 70 Years: Nodes, Characteristics and Experience of Archives Development in Tibet
HOU Xiwen
Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang 712082

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摘要: 2021年是西藏和平解放70周年,恰逢中国共产党喜迎建党100周年,研究和平解放70年来西藏档案事业发展的轨迹、特质和经验,有利于总结经验,以期最大限度地提升西藏档案事业服务西藏社会各行各业的战略空间。本文梳理了西藏和平解放70年来西藏地方档案发展脉络、节点、经验、启示。首次把和平解放70年西藏档案发展划分为初创、确立、受挫和创新四个阶段。概括了70年来其主要特质:档案工作初期新旧管理方式并存,建立节点明确;形成“重历史轻当代”的格局;档案资源丰富、载体形式多样;逐渐健全档案管理制度法规。总结了和平解放70年来西藏档案事业发展的基本经验,即坚持党的领导、建立健全机构、培养档案干部。
Abstract:The year 2021 is the 70th anniversary of Tibet's peaceful liberation which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Studying the track, characteristics and experience of the development of Tibet's archives in the past 70 years of peaceful liberation is conducive to summarizing the experience and maximizing the strategic space for Tibet's archival undertaking to serve all walks of life in Tibet. This paper sorts out the context, timeline, experience and inspirations of the development of local archives in Tibet since the peaceful liberation for 70 years. For the first time, the development of Tibet archives in 70 years of peaceful liberation is divided into four stages: start-up, establishment, frustration and innovation. Five main characteristics are summarized: the new and old management methods coexist in the early stage of archival work; the establishment time node is clear; a pattern of ''attaching importance to history and ignoring the contemporary'' is formed; archives are rich in resources and diverse in carrier forms; archives management systems and regulations are gradually established and completed. This paper summarizes the basic experience of the development of archives in Tibet since the peaceful liberation of 70 years, namely adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, establishing and improving institutions and training archives cadres.
出版日期: 2021-10-22

侯希文. 和平解放70年:西藏档案事业发展节点、特质与经验论要[J]. 档案学研究, 2021, 35(5): 124-131.
HOU Xiwen. Peaceful Liberation for 70 Years: Nodes, Characteristics and Experience of Archives Development in Tibet. Archives Science Study, 2021, 35(5): 124-131.

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