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档案学研究  2022, Vol. 36 Issue (1): 117-124    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2022.01.017
  档案安全保障 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 |
中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
Study on Characteristics of the Use and Preservation of Red Atomic Inks in Seals
DONG Danhua,HUANG Xiaoxia
School of Information Resource Management,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872
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关键词 档案保护原子油印迹耐久性XRF    

Seals are valued at all levels of Chinese organizations. The impression of red atomic ink on the document is an important part of archives. Whether its imprint is clear, beautiful and durable affects the appearance, use and voucher value of archives, so it is necessary to carry out the research on its use characteristics and preservation characteristics. The durability of atomic ink can be judged by colorimetry in the durability experiments,macro and micro analysis is made to understand the quick-drying performance and the diffusion of ink, the main elements of different atomic inks can be detected and analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The experimental results show that the composition and manufacturing process of different atomic inks lead to different durability, and the atomic inks can be classified into two categories: more durable materials and non-durable materials. In the choice of use, not only the durability, but also the beauty of color, quick-drying performance and definition should be considered. All impressions are not resistant to dry heat, and the environment should be suitable in the preservation process of archives, so as to avoid the fading and blurring of seal handwriting, which will affect the value of archives.

Key wordsarchive protection    handwriting of atomic oil    durability    XRF
出版日期: 2022-02-28

董丹华, 黄晓霞. 红色原子油印迹使用特征和保存特性研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2022, 36(1): 117-124.
DONG Danhua, HUANG Xiaoxia. Study on Characteristics of the Use and Preservation of Red Atomic Inks in Seals. Archives Science Study, 2022, 36(1): 117-124.

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