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档案学研究  2015, Vol. 29 Issue (6): 90-94    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2015.06.018
谢丽1,2, 王健1,2
1. 中国人民大学数据工程与知识工程教育部重点实验室 北京 100872
2. 中国人民大学信息资源管理学院 北京 100872
Research on the Corresponding Relationships between Key Concepts in Archival Science: An In-Depth Analysis based on Relevant Laws and Regulations of China and the United States
Li XIE1,2, Jian WANG1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of the Ministry of Education,Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872
2. The School of information Resource Management,Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872
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关键词: 文件档案公文概念体系    

Focusing on the debate in the field of archival science and administration in recent years in China on the selection of corresponding Chinese terms for key concepts in English literature such as record(s) and archives, the present research sampled as data sources the laws and regulations concerning the concepts in question issued by the Chinese Government and the Federal Government of the United States of America, respectively. The data analysis employed the methodology of content analysis featuring word by word, sentence by sentence techniques, which led to the generation of two types of research outcomes: first, the explicitly displayed corresponding or none-existent relationships among the analyzed concepts, and second, the observation of the lack of a comprehensive, both logic and systematic conceptual framework in the laws and regulations of the two countries.

Key words: record(s)    archives    document(s)    conceptual framework
出版日期: 2017-11-16
基金资助: 假装有基金
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谢丽, 王健. 中美档案法律法规中核心概念对应关系研究(下)[J]. 档案学研究, 2015, 29(6): 90-94.

Li XIE, Jian WANG. Research on the Corresponding Relationships between Key Concepts in Archival Science: An In-Depth Analysis based on Relevant Laws and Regulations of China and the United States. Archives Science Study, 2015, 29(6): 90-94.


表 3  NARA法律法规中相关概念分析
图3  美国联邦法律中documents、records、archives概念关系图
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