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档案学研究  2015, Vol. 29 Issue (4): 94-100    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2015.04.018
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李倢, 胡燕
苏州大学社会学院 江苏苏州 215123
Analysis of Personal Feature Factors Affecting the Public Archives Using Behavior——Based on a Survey of Suzhou Residents
Jie Li, Yan Hu
School of Society, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123
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关键词 公众个体特征因素档案利用行为影响    

Using the method of questionnaire survey, this article investigates nearly 600 of the general public of Suzhou city about their archive using behavior, and analyzes in details the influence of the personal feature factors affecting the public archives using behavior by analysis of variance and cross table tools. The results show that personal feature factors have greater influence on the public archive using behavior: age affects the public’s choice of the leisure and practical utilization; cultural degree affects the public’s archives cognitive level, acceptance and use demand; occupation characteristics affects the public's archival awareness, and further directly affects the public’s attitudes and requirements for the utilization of archives.

Key wordsthe Public    Personal feature factor    Archive utilization behavior    Influence
出版日期: 2017-11-16

李倢, 胡燕. 影响公众档案利用行为的个体特征因素分析——基于苏州市居民的调查[J]. 档案学研究, 2015, 29(4): 94-100.
Jie Li, Yan Hu. Analysis of Personal Feature Factors Affecting the Public Archives Using Behavior——Based on a Survey of Suzhou Residents. Archives Science Study, 2015, 29(4): 94-100.

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