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档案学研究  2013, Vol. 27 Issue (3): 92-96    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2013.03.020
鲁涛1,2, 莫志斌1
1.湖南师范大学 历史文化学院 长沙 410083
2.湖南理工学院《云梦学刊》编辑部 岳阳 414006
Chen Yun Thoughts on Ancient Books Arrangement
Tao Lu1,2, Zhibin Mo1
1. College of History and Culture,Hunan Normal University Hunan Province Changsha 410083
2. Editorial office of Yunmeng Journal,Hunan Province Yueyang 414006
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Under the new historical condition, Chen Yun carried on and developed Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai thoughts on ancient books arrangement. His Thoughts are of great innovative value. The creation of Chen Yun thoughts is affected by both positive and negative factors. The positive factors refer to the inspiration of reading history, the experience from the Commercial Press and study of ancient books. The negative factor as real incentive refers to the great damage to ancient books by the Cultural revolution. Chen Yun systematically elaborated the meaning, attitude, principle, objective, strategy and method of ancient books arrangement from theory and practice. He took both the current situation and the future into consideration and made his thoughts flexible, operable and prospectively. He did a great contribution and gave the guidance to the ancient books arrangement in the new stage of China.

出版日期: 2017-11-28
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鲁涛, 莫志斌. 陈云古籍整理工作思想研究[J]. 档案学研究, 2013, 27(3): 92-96.

Tao Lu, Zhibin Mo. Chen Yun Thoughts on Ancient Books Arrangement. Archives Science Study, 2013, 27(3): 92-96.


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