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档案学研究  2009, Vol. 23 Issue (1): 13-16    DOI: 10.16065/j.cnki.issn1002-1620.2009.01.014
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关键词: 档案学革命范式常规科学托马斯·库恩    

Has the scientific revolution in archival science taken place? The main difference between the archivists focus on:is archival science at the stage of normal science or at the stage of scientific revolution?The article analyzed and questioned the view that archival science has completed the scientific revolution now according to archival science paradigm theory. And it pointed out current archival science is being in the stage of normal science to scientific revolution.

Key words: The scientific revolution in archival science    Paradigm    Normal science    Thomas S. Kuhn
出版日期: 2017-11-28
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