Many experiments had been done because traditional Chinese Juan has the disadvantages that they are poor permanence and complex painting procedures. Water dispersing polyurethane was selected from six polymers materials and used for the treating agent of Chinese Juan, and this Chinese Juan can be used to elaborate-style painting. The different properties of the traditional and treated Chinese Juan were compared by different methods. The results in pH value, tearing resistance, tensile strength and bursting strength, showed that the performance of the treated Chinese Juan are better than the traditional one. At the same time, chromatic aberration value of pigments painted in the traditional and treated Chinese Juan had been tested. The compared with the traditional Juan, the chromatic aberration value of treated Juan is smaller. Based on the advantages mentioned above, water dispersing polyurethane may be used as treating agent of Chinese Juan, which would be widespread in the future.
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张慧, 李玉虎, 李丽娜. 耐久工笔画用绢的研制及其性能表征[J]. 档案学研究, 2008, 22(1): 55-59.