Characteristics of runoff and sediment yield of different Cynodon dactylon protection models in Huai River levee |
Tang Congjun, Yang Jie, Chen Xiao-an, Tu Anguo, Wang Bangwen |
(Soil and Water Conservation Institute of Jiangxi Province, 330029, Nanchang,China) |
Abstract Different treatments with Cynodon dactylon on dam protection will have effects on soil and water loss processes under different rainfall types, which will had great significance to guide dam protection and soil and water loss control. Responses of soil and water loss characteristics to rainfall types were studied by simulated rainfall under 4 dam proctection treatments with Cynodon dactylon in Huai River levee. The results showed that there were obvious differences in soil and water losses between different treatments. At each rainfall intensity, runoff with planting treatment was small, but sediment yield was significantly higher than that with the turf treatment and stem cover treatment. Runoff with stem cover treatment was great, but sediment was small, which means reducing sediment with no runoff reduction. Runoff and sediment yield with sowing treatment were great, and significantly increased with rainfall intensity. This study results would provide reference for optimizing implementation model of dam protection with Cynodon dactylon.
Received: 16 February 2012