SSWCC  2011, Vol. 9 Issue (1): 33-38    DOI:
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Characteristics of runoff and sediment yield for rainfall events in Nverzhai small watershed of Wuling Mountain area
Zhou Jing1,Zhang Xudong2,He Dan3,Zhou Jinxing2,Zhou Xiaoling4,Wang Zhongjian5
1.College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Peking University,100871, Beijing;2.Research Institute of Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Key Laboratory of Tree Breeding and Cultivation,State Forestry Administration,100091,Beijing;3.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,100101,Beijing;4.Hunan Academy of Forestry,410004,Changsha;5.Forestry Bureau of Cili County,415300,Zhangjiajie,Hunan:China
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