SSWCC  2007, Vol. 5 Issue (5): 56-59    DOI:
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Characteristics of artificial communities structure of plant regenerative sand-barrier in Horqin Sandy Land
Zhang Wenjun<sup>1,2</sup>,Liu Deyi<sup>3</sup>,Li Zejiang<sup>3</sup>,Ren Jianmin<sup>2</sup>,Lu Yinshan<sup>4</sup>
1.College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing;2.Inner Mongolia Research Academy of Forestry Sciences,010010,Hohhot;3.Forestry Bureau of Aohan Banner in Inner Mongolia,024300,Aohan,Inner Mongolia;4.Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,010010,Hohhot;5.Ningxia Institute of Forest Inventory and Planning,750001,Yinchuan: China
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