Amelioration effects of organic-inorganic compound amendment on coastal saline-alkali soil |
ZHANG Le, XU Pingping, LI Suyan, SUN Xiangyang, ZHANG Tao, LIU Zihao, YAO Liyuan |
School of Forestry, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China |
Abstract [Background] The urbanization level in coastal areas are higher than other areas in China, and the coastal soils in these areas are threatened by salinization, which could cause negative effects on ornamental plants surviving and growing, thus the ornamental value and ecological functions of the urban green land was reduced. In this way, the improvement of saline-alkali soil should result in a significant impact upon construction of urban green space in coastal areas. [Methods] The experiment was conducted in a greenbelt of Bohai district in Cangzhou City of Hebei Province, where is in high salinity. An organic modifier (Green waste compost:Pyrolysised garden wastes in 4∶1 as 0, 5%, 10%, and 15% of being-ameliorated soil volume) and phosphogypsum (0, 1, 2, and 3 kg/m2) were utilized for the soil amendments, totally 16 treatments by combining any 2 of them, and 0 of them as the control. Each treatment was laid in an experimental plot (12 m×6 m) with 3 repeats of planting Sophora japonica. Soil samples were collected at 3 random sites of topsoil (0-20 cm) in each plot in July 2014, October 2014, March 2015 and July 2015. OHAUS Starter 3C was used for measuring pH, dual-indicator neutralization titration method for CO2-3 and HCO-3, silver nitrate titration method (Moore method) for Cl-, EDTA titration method for Ca2+ and Mg2+, indirect EDTA complexometric titration for SO2-4, flame photometry (FP6410, Shanghai) for K+ and Na+, and total salt content was the sum of 8 ions’ concentrations. The data were analyzed by Excel 2010 and SPSS 18 software, single factor analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was to compare the differences among different treatments, and the multiple comparisons were examined by Duncan method. [Results] 1) The soil pH decreased obviously with the addition of organic modifier and phosphogypsum, and phosphogypsum played a leading role. To prevent the negative impacts to the plants from the drastic variations of pH caused by the application of phosphogypsum, organic modifier should be applied at the same time. 2) Single-factor experiment showed that soil SAR (Sodium Absorption Ratio) significantly decreased when this 2 soil amendments were more used. Moreover, phosphogypsum showed better effects than organic modifier. Interaction experiments showed that combined application of phosphogypsum and organic modifier achieved better effect in decreasing SAR than single application. 3) The content of Cl- significantly decreased with the application of phosphogypsum and organic modifier, but SO2-4 was the opposite. 4) The experimental results demonstrate that combined application of phosphogypsum and organic modifier was suggested to get the better effect, the recommended addition of phosphogypsum and organic modifier were 1 kg/m2 and 5% (volume ratio, about 3.35 kg/m2), which improved the saline soil effectively. [Conclusions] Due to the low cost, waste resource recovery and the solid environmental effects in treatment process, organic modifier is more practicable in the improvement of saline-alkali soil. Besides, this improvement method for saline soil provids a feasible plan for beneficial reuse of phosphogypsum and organic modifier.
Received: 21 September 2016
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