Abstract [Background] In the new times of ecological civilization, monitoring and the public service of soil and water conservation is the important content of national ecological environment monitoring, and ecological environment monitoring is the key foundation shoring for ecological civilization construction. [Methods] According to the states documents of Suggestions to Quickly Propel Ecological Civilization Construction and Development Scheme of Ecological Environment Monitoring Network, etc. , the guiding ideology, construction principles, and targeted tasks of national ecological environment monitoring network were put forward. Combining with Soil and Water Conservation Plan in China approved by the State Council, the targets of monitoring soil and water conservation were analyzed contrast to the corresponding requirements of state爷s ecological environment monitoring. Based on the joint mechanism of monitoring and management, decision-making, supervision, and target assessment, the ideas on the monitoring and public services of soil and water conservation were proposed under the macro-demands of constructing the national ecological environment monitoring network. [ Results ] Soil and water conservation monitoring should be in top-level design, and new targets could be determined. They include: to speed up the construction of monitoring network in a whole system of sky and ground, up and down coordinating, and information sharing, to implement the operation mechanism of monitoring and monitoring points in a way of public welfare institution, and to clarify the responsibilities and authorities of monitoring agencies at all levels. Further, a regular investigation and dynamic monitoring system should be established, the implementation of monitoring and supervision, monitoring and assessment should be linked. Moreover, by improving the technical standards, integrating the monitoring measures, expanding the application of high and new technical equipment, and escalating the level of automation, the information could be linked and shared. [Conclusions] Such system will accurately provide the evidences and supports on-time for the ecological civilization, inspection of targets with responsibilities, and accountability of responsibilities, i. e. , serves better for society and public.