Soil erosion and countermeasures in road construction projects
NIU Lan-Lan-;Ding-Guo-Dong-;Diao-Fang-Ying
Beijing Forestry University,Key Lab.of Soil & Water Conservation and Desertification Combating,Ministry of Education,100083,Beijing,China
摘要 公路建设带来经济的发展与繁荣,同时影响到环境,尤其是水土流失问题。为防止水土流失的发生,保障公路正常安全运行,促进路域生态系统的建设,结合公路施工过程和特点,探讨公路建设项目中水土流失的特点,造成水土流失的原因,以及由此引起的一系列负面影响,并提出了相应的水土流失防治措施。
关键词 :
公路建设项目 ,
水土流失 ,
Abstract :As road construction bringing about the development and the prosperity of the economy,the environment problem,particularly soil erosion problem was aroused at the same time.In order to prevent soil erosion,guarantee the road safety,and promote the ecosystem conserration of road area,the feature and reasons of soil erosion and the negative influence that are aroused by the road construction projects thoroughly were studied.A brief introduction to the countermeasures of soil erosion was also made.
Key words :
road construction projects
soil erosion
收稿日期: 2006-04-18
基金资助: 内蒙古交通厅项目“高等级公路路域生态环境建设试验示范区”
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