Sandstorm occurrence rule in Tongliao of Inner Mongolia
Diao Mingjun, Wang Shusen, Luo Yuyang, Zou Shouyi
(1.Academy of Forest Inventory and Planning the State Forestry Administration, 100714, Beijing, China;
2.College of Ecology and Environment Sciences, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, 010019, Hohhot, China)
Abstract:The sandstorm occurrence regularity in Tongliao, Inner Mongolia was investigated using sandstorm weather data of Tongliao in recent 48 years (1954—2001). The analysis indicated that the incidence and duration of sandstorms changed significantly depending on months, seasons, years, and decades. The incidence and duration of sandstorm in Tongliao decreased in the past 48 years. There was a peak occurrence period between 1950s—1970s during which the sandstorm incidence and duration changed significantly. The incidence of sandstorm sharply decreased in the 1980s and increased since the 1990s. Three months of the spring in each year, especially April, are the peak occurrence period. The occurrence of sandstorm is apparently related to rainfall and wind speed.