Soil conservation benefits of side ditches on slope farmland: Taking the sandy loam soil in Changling town, Wanzhou district, Chongqing as an example
CAI Xiongfei1,2,3,4, ZHAO Shijie1,4, XU Pei2,3, WANG Ji1,4, WANG Yukuan2,3
1. School of Geographic and Environmental Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, 550001, Guiyang, China; 2. Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 610041, Chengdu, China; 3. Wanzhou Station of Reservoir Eco-environment Monitoring, 404020, Chongqing, China; 4. The State Key Laboratory Incubation Base for Karst Mountain Ecology Environment of Guizhou Province, 550001, Guiyang, China
Abstract:[Background] Slope Farmland Side Ditch (SFSD) has been widely used in the prevention and control of soil and water loss in the hilly area of southern China for a long time, where the purple soil hilly area in East Sichuan is the most common. Although there is a long history of practice and application about confluence of long slope (block) on one side of trench, the mechanism of water and sediment transport and deposition is still unclear.[Methods] A typical of purple soil in terms of distribution area and type, Wanzhou district was selected as the experimental area to ascertain the benefit and mechanism of soil conservation. Therefore, 27 events of field simulation experiments based on artificial rainfall were done in the region of Wanzhou, Chongqing.[Results] 1) When the bottom slope of the SFSD was 1° or 0°, the SFSD had good soil conservation effect. The soil conservation was 50.7%-83.5%. When the bottom slope of the SFSD increased to 3°, the SFSD soil conservation was very poor, and the average soil conservation was only 13.6%. 2) The bottom slope of the SFSD was the main factor that affected the soil conservation effect of the SFSD and which had a significant linear negative correlation with soil conservation. 3) Under the same bottom slope of the SFSD,different rainfall intensity and sediment concentration, both sediment input and sediment deposition were different, but the sediment rate changed little. When the bottom slope of the SFSD was 0 °, the deposition rate of sediment was between 77.0% and 83.5%, with an average of 79.0%. When the bottom slope of the SFSD was 1°, the deposition rate of sediment was 50.7%-62.8%,with an average of 55.5%. As the slope increased to 3°, the deposition rate of sediment was 9.6%-19.1% with an average of 13.6%.[Conclusions] Under the condition of same rainfall intensity and the bottom slope of the ditch, the treatment methods of the plot were different. The total amount of sand on the slope and the total deposition in the ditch were different, but the deposition rate did not change much.
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CAI Xiongfei, ZHAO Shijie, XU Pei, WANG Ji, WANG Yukuan. Soil conservation benefits of side ditches on slope farmland: Taking the sandy loam soil in Changling town, Wanzhou district, Chongqing as an example. SSWC, 2021, 19(5): 82-89.
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