1. College of Resources and Environment, Southwest University, 400715, Chongqing, China; 2. Chongqing Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring Station, 401147, Chongqing, China; 3. Chongqing Municipal Water Resources Bureau, 401147, Chongqing, China; 4. College of Forestry, Guizhou University, 550025, Guiyang, China
Abstract:[Background] Human-caused soil erosion in production and construction projects is a typical modern accelerated erosion type by human-being. For different production and construction projects, there exists an internal and necessary relationship between human-caused soil erosion and eco-environmental damage where express great differences among disturbed geomorphic units, soil erosion characteristics and hazards. [Methods] Taking various disturbed underlying surfaces of production and construction projects as examples, we studied the characteristics of disturbed surface, soil and vegetation by field investigation and in-situ observation methods, and put forward an evaluation paradigm of eco-environmental damage human-caused soil erosion from the view of hazards of human-caused soil erosion. Economic methods of soil and water conservation were used to calculate the value of eco-environmental damage, and two cases were also used to verify this procedure. [Results] 1) Eco-environmental damage from human-caused soil erosion manifest the destruction of soil structure and land resources, degradation of land vegetation, changes of water resources circulation system, decline of ecosystem service functions and the increasing risk of rain-induced floods, landslides, and debris flows. 2) The key links for the evaluation system of eco-environmental damage include 4 aspects such as the judgment on soil and water damage and eco-environmental thresholds, establishment of an index system for identification of soil erosion hazards, causal link analysis of eco-environmental damage, and quantification methods and standards for the value of eco-environmental damage. The damage degree to ecological function of disturbed landform in real estate construction project sorted by loose engineering accumulation > slope green belt > construction access road. 3) The eco-environmental damage for mining projects are the destruction of surface groundwater circulation system, artificial landslide occurred in accumulation body rain-induced conditions. Damage for real estate construction projects is the collapse of high and steep slopes, destruction of topsoil structure and nutrients, decrease of water conservation function caused by increased hardened pavement, etc. The value of soil environmental loss for mining projects and real estate construction projects accounted for 77.27% and 60.35% separately. [Conclusions] The paper may provide some appraisal ideas and methods for evaluation of eco-environmental damage human-caused soil erosion. Furthermore, eco-environmental damage induced from production and construction projects mainly focus on man-made collapses, rain-induced landslides, regulation of runoff on hardened road, water retention function and destruction of the groundwater circulation system especially, which can provide some practical support for damage evaluation and ecological restoration.
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