1. Beijing Engineering Research Center of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, 100083, Beijing, China; 2. China Institute of Water Resource and Hydropower Research, 100038, Beijing, China; 3. Hubei Huahui Engineering Consulting Limited Company, 442500, Shiyan, Hubei, China
Abstract:[Background] Saline-alkali soil is widely distributed in our country, while desulfurized gypsum, citric acid slag and fly ash are produced and accumulated in large quantities, which cause great pressure on national economy and ecological environment. But all of them can be used to improve saline-alkali soil. Exploring the improvement of saline-alkali soil by these calcium-containing wastes and the effect on plant growth is conducive to reducing environmental pollution and eventually provides scientific basis for the recycling and reuse of calcium-containing wastes and the improvement of saline-alkali soils. [Methods] Conditional control method was used in the research. Three kinds of calcium-containing waste materials (desulfurized gypsum, citric acid slag and fly ash)were applied to pot-planted Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. with saline-alkali soil soils respectively. Indexes of plant biochemical and soil composition such as net photosynthetic rate Pn, stomatal conductance Gs, transpiration rate Tr, intercellular CO2 concentration Ci, stomatal limitation Ls, water use efficiency (WUE), chlorophyll, content of main ion, exchangeable sodium percentage and sodium adsorption ratio were measured accordingly. [Results] 1) The main soil ion content after improved such as Na+, CO32-, and HCO3- reduced significantly, while the content of Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42- and CEC increased. 2) Na+ and alkaline ions were replaced, and the content of exchangeable Na+ even decreased by 84.3% in desulfurized gypsum treatment. 3) The alkali-reducing degree of each treatment soil exceeded 50%, and the soil was transferred from moderate saline to mild saline-alkali,the degree of salinity in each treatment also shifted from moderate to mild, all of the pH after the experiment decreased, and especially the citric acid residue treatment even reached to 7.1, which was basically neutral. 4) Pn, Gs, Tr and WUE of L. bicolor Turcz. were all higher, while Ci and Ls were lower.5) The contents of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll were all over 2.4 mg/g, 1.1 mg/g and 3.5 mg/g in each treatment, that in fly ash treatment was the highest, mainly because the salt resistance was coupled, meanwhile it showed that by changing salt stress, calcium-containing materials changed the external environmental factors, and then affected the synthesis of plant chlorophyll. [Conclusions] Calcium-containing wastes such as desulfurized gypsum, citric acid slag and fly ash may improve the physicochemical properties of the saline-alkaline soil by changing the composition and contents of salt-damaging ions in saline-alkali soil. Normal physiological functions are maintained by adjusting the feedback regulation mechanism of L. bicolor Turcz. under salt stress, and reducing the effect of salt stress on the growth of L. bicolor Turcz. This study may provide scientific basis and reference for the recycling and reuse of calcium-containing wastes and the improvement of saline-alkali soil.
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