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肖振华, 王振宇, 欧阳斌, 文碧秀
中山大学附属第一医院放射治疗科,广州 510080
Comparative analysis of output factor of high-energy photon small field between measurements with or without correction of IAEA-483 report and Monte-Carlo simulation
Xiao Zhenhua, Wang Zhenyu, Ouyang Bin, Wen Bixiu
Department of Radiation Oncology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the accuracy of measurement of the output factor of high-energy photon small field (Scp) using commercial semi-diodes and ionization chambers in small fields in accordance with the IAEA-483 report, which has been proposed that all kinds of detectors should be revised for small field Scp measurement in clinical practice. Methods EGSnrc of Monte Carlo (MC) software was utilized to simulate the treatment head of Varian Novalis Tx linear accelerator, and the profile curve and relative dose value were generated by simulation in DOSXYZnrc based on derived phase space file. Measurement of PDD and Profiles was used to adjust and validate the simulation mode. Detectors including ionization chambers A16, A14sL,CC01,CC13, PFD and EFD and semi-diodes PFD, EFD and Razor under different radiation field settings (0.5cm to 10.0cm) were employed to measure the profile curves and Scp of FWHM equivalent rectangular fields, which were compared with data of Monte-Carlo simulation. The measurement of Scp was revised by data given in the IAEA-483 report. The data with or without correction were compared with the data of MC simulation. Results A curve deviation oF<2.0% between MC simulation and PFD measurement was accepted. MC simulated Profiles were consistent with PFD, EFD and Razor measurements, when the field was<3.0cm. Razor response in the out-field region was 2.3% higher than those of MC and PFD, and it increased with the increment of field and was 3.0% at 10.0cm. The maximum 20.0%-80.0% penumbra width was detected as 3.0 mm for CC13 at 10.0cm rectangular field. With the decrease of the radiation field, the deviation relative to MC simulation was increased as for Scp mean values of 7detectors before correction. The standard deviation (SD) of the measured value was increased rapidly when it was close to 1.0cm, ranging from 0.009-0.014 for the field of 5.0cm-1.5cm to 0.030-0.089 for the field of 1.0cm-0.5cm. The mean value of SD for the whole measurement before correction was 0.030. The mean SD of Scp measured by the six probes was 0.008, 0.013 at 0.8cm and 0.021 at 0.6cm after correction. When the equivalent field was ≥1.0cm, the corrected Scp and MC simulation deviation was ranged from -3.6% to -0.5%. The error was between -6.9% and -1.3% when the radiation field was<1.0cm. Conclusion The SD of Scp measured by different detectors after correction in accordance to the IAEA-483 report is small, which is in good agreement with the data of MC simulation, suggesting that it could be applied in clinical dosimetry.
Xiao Zhenhua,Wang Zhenyu,Ouyang Bin et al. Comparative analysis of output factor of high-energy photon small field between measurements with or without correction of IAEA-483 report and Monte-Carlo simulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2021, 30(12): 1280-1285.
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