Effect of image guidance on doses to the rectum and bladder in radiotherapy for cervical cancer
Liu Qing, Zhang Zongkai, Wang Yadi, Lu Na, Zhang Fuli
Department of Radiotherapy,PLA Army General Hospital,Beijing 100700,China (Liu Q,Zhang ZK,Wang YD,Lu N,Zhang FL); Department of Radiotherapy,Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University,Shijiazhuang 050011,China (Liu Qing)
Abstract:Objective To analyze the effect of image guidance on the doses to the rectum and bladder in radical external beam radiotherapy for cervical cancer, and to investigate the reasonable application mode of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) in the treatment of cervical cancer. Methods A total of 20 patients with cervical cancer who underwent helical tomotherapy (HT) in PLA Army General Hospital from 2012 to 2016 were enrolled in this study. A megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) scan was performed before each treatment. The obtained MVCT images were used for dose reconstruction in the adaptive module of HT to obtain the actual dose (Plan-1) and the non-image-guided dose was simulated (Plan-2). Each single dose distribution and the corresponding fused CT image were sent to the software MIM 6.0 to obtain the total radiation dose by dose superposition. The radiation doses and volumes of the rectum and bladder were compared between the two therapeutic plans. Results The radiation doses to the rectum and bladder in Plan-2 were significantly higher than those in Plan-1. There were significant differences in Dmax and V50 of the rectum and V50 of the bladder between Plan-1 and Plan-2(P=0.040;P=0.000;P=0.047). Compared with Plan-1, there were statistical differences in inter-fractional Dmax and V50 during the initial treatment (P=0.047,0.037), and V50 of the rectum within the 13th to 21st radiotherapy, respectively (P=0.009, 0.017, 0.028). Besides, differences regarding Vmax and V50 in the initial treatment and the 21st to 23rd radiotherapy were close to the statistical significance when compared to those in Plan-1, respectively (P=0.061,0.053;P=0.072,0.058). Conclusions IGRT can reduce the radiation doses and volumes of the rectum and bladder, especially the rectum. The therapeutic plan should be rescheduled when tumor retraction is evident at half of the total radiation dose (around 13th fraction) in external beam radiotherapy. If it is difficult to achieve image guidance in each treatment, selective image guidance could be performed to effectively reduce the injuries of the rectum and bladder.
Liu Qing,Zhang Zongkai,Wang Yadi et al. Effect of image guidance on doses to the rectum and bladder in radiotherapy for cervical cancer [J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(1): 68-73.
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