Survey on use of radiotherapy for breast cancer following breast-conserving surgery in mainland China
ZHANG Ye, HUI Zhou-guang, ZHANG Jiang-hu, YU Zi-hao, LIU Xin-fan, JIN Jing, WANG Wei-hu, WANG Shu-lian, SONG Yong-wen, LIU Yue-ping, REN Hua, FANG Hui,LI Ye-xiong
Department of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Hospital (Insititute), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100021, China Corresponding author:HUI Zhou-guang,;LI Ye-xiong,
Abstract:Objective To evaluate the current practice of breast-conserving radiotherapy (BCR) in mainland China. Methods A questionnaire on the details of treatment pattern of BCR for early breast cancer was mailed twice to all radiotherapy centers in mainland China in 2009. The responding data were collected and analyzed. Results Of the 952 surveyed centers, 396 responded (41.6%) and 328 performed BCR. The median interval between surgery and radiotherapy was 9 weeks. Of the 328 centers with BCR, whole breast was the most common irradiation target (319 centers, 97.3%), followed by supraclavicular region (273 centers, 83.2%), axilla (138 centers, 43.3%), and internal mammary chain (85 centers, 26.8%). In 97.5% of centers (310/319), whole breast was irradiated in all candidates. Supraclavicular region and axilla irradiation was performed for lymph-node positive patients in 41.8%(114/273) and 26.8%(37/138) centers, and for ≥4 positive lymph-nodes in 31.5%(86/273) and 29.0%(/138) centers, respectively. Internal mammary chain was irradiated for tumors located in the center or inner quadrant in 72.9%(56/85) centers. Conformal radiotherapy for the whole breast was used in 51.8% centers. The median total dose was 50 Gy, all using conventional fractionations. Conclusions A consensus has been reached that radiotherapy is needed for patients receiving breast-conserving surgery and that irradiation to whole breast is necessary. However, establishment and widespread use of guidelines for BCR should be strengthened.
ZHANG Ye,HUI Zhou-guang,ZHANG Jiang-hu et al. Survey on use of radiotherapy for breast cancer following breast-conserving surgery in mainland China[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2012, 21(3): 241-245.
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