Abstract:Stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT), also known as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), includes stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). This technique has the characteristics of large single fractional dose, few fractions, high equivalent biological doses, and rapid fall off-target doses. It can be implemented by relatively special equipment such as Gamma knife, Cyberknife, Tomotherapy and Vero 4D RT system, etc. In many cases, SBRT technique is employed based on linear accelerators. SRT differs from conventional radiotherapy in terms of the plan design and plan evaluation. Consequently, it is necessary to discuss the differences and provide guidance for clinical application and research.
Wang Xuetao,Wang Xin,Bai Sen et al. Physics issues on plan design and evaluation for stereotactic radiotherapy based on linear accelerator[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2021, 30(3): 221-229.
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