情报科学 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (7): 194-196.

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智驭信息浪潮 洞察服务机制 ——《智能信息服务模式与机制——技术与系统视角》书评


  • 出版日期:2024-07-01 发布日期:2024-11-05

  • Online:2024-07-01 Published:2024-11-05

摘要: 【目的/意义】智能信息服务模式与机制的探索,为信息资源管理服务新质生产力的革故鼎新、社会发展的 提质增效提供了理论范式与实践模型。【方法/过程】以系统化研究思路,全面审视智能信息服务在复杂时空变域中 的演化、多源数据的交汇、多元技术的迭代,系统阐述其理论内核、组织架构和实现路径,为理论与实践创新奠定了 扎实基础。【结果/结论】聚焦智能信息服务在大数据、人工智能及物联网等新质生产力驱动下的发展态势,重点探 讨智能信息服务在多媒体信息检索、信息推荐、知识问答、区块链信息安全和系统构建与场景应用等方面的技术要 点与发展方向,为解决信息过载与信息孤岛等问题提供了理论与实践支持。【创新/局限】拓展智能信息服务的研究 视角、构建立体化理论体系等方面取得重要突破,对于我国信息资源管理学科发展指导、引领产业变革具有重要参 考价值。

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】The exploration of intelligent information service modes and mechanisms provides a theoretical paradigm and practical model for information resource management. This serves to innovate new quality productivity and improve the quality and efficiency of social development.【Methods/processes】The evolution of intelligent information services in complex spatial and temporal domains, the intersection of multi-source data, and the iteration of multiple technologies have been comprehensively ex⁃ amined using systematic research approaches. Theoretical core, organizational structure, and realization paths have been systemati⁃ cally elaborated, laying a solid foundation for both theoretical and practical innovations.【Results/conclusions】Focusing on the devel⁃ opment of intelligent information services driven by new productivity, such as big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, this study emphasizes the technical points and development directions in areas like multimedia information retrieval, informa⁃ tion recommendation, knowledge quizzes, blockchain information security, and system construction and scenario application. This pro⁃ vides theoretical and practical support for addressing the problems of information overload and information silos.【Innovation/limita⁃ tion】Important breakthroughs have been made in expanding the research perspectives of intelligent information services and con⁃ structing a three-dimensional theoretical system, which holds significant reference value for guiding the development of China's infor⁃ mation resource management disciplines and leading industrial changes.