情报科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 62-69.

• 理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-05-01 发布日期:2021-05-01

  • Online:2021-05-01 Published:2021-05-01

摘要: 【目的/意义】研究分析了突发公共卫生事件演化过程中社交媒体虚假信息的产生及时滞性扩散特征,试图 揭示虚假信息以及负面情感之间的相关关系,为疏通正确的防疫信息与民众之间的沟通渠道提供帮助。【方法/过 程】研究爬取了新冠疫情期间的虚假信息及疫情相关的微博数据,利用自动文本分析方法分析虚假信息的主题分 布;然后结合时间线索和格兰杰因果分析,展示了虚假信息相关主题微博的时滞性扩散特点;最后,分析了不同主 题下虚假信息、相关微博和负面情感三者的关系。【结果/结论】虚假信息与疫情相关内容增长趋同,但不同主题信 息的扩散力不同,甚至出现相反的时滞扩散效果;引导公众产生负向情感的虚假信息在一定程度上会引发公众的 大规模讨论。【创新/局限】从时滞性扩散的角度解读突发公共卫生事件下不同主题虚假信息的演化特征,为虚假信 息分析与治理提供了新的视角。但数据采集存在局限,虚假信息的传播渠道太过广泛,相关信息难以收集完整。

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】This study analyzes the generation and time-lag diffusion characteristics of misinformation on social media during public health emergencies, and attempts to reveal the relationship between misinformation and negative emotions so as to support dredging the communication channels for the correct epidemic prevention information.【Method/process】 This research crawled the misinformation about COVID-19 and related Weibo, and used automatic text analysis methods to get the topic distribution of the misinformation; then, we applied Granger causality analysis to show the time-lag diffusion relationship between the misinforma⁃ tion and the related Weibo; finally, we analyzed the relationship among misinformation, related Weibo and negative emotions under dif⁃ ferent topics.【Result/conclusion】It is found that the growth trend of misinformation and related Weibo tend to be the same, but there are differences, or even opposite delay diffusion effect, in the diffusion power of different topics. At the same time, misinformation that leads to negative sentiments will lead to a large-scale public discussion.【Innovation/limitation】This article interprets the evolution of different misinformation topics in public health emergencies from the perspective of time-lag diffusion. The results can provide a new perspective for misinformation analysis and governance. However, our data collection still has limitations. Because the diffusion of mis⁃ information is too widespread to collect all related information.