情报科学 ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 34-40.

• 理论研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

智慧城市信息安全影响因素与关联路径研究 ——基于扎根理论的探索性分析


  • 出版日期:2021-05-01 发布日期:2021-05-01

  • Online:2021-05-01 Published:2021-05-01

摘要: 【目的/意义】面对智慧城市日益突出的信息安全问题,构建智慧城市信息安全影响框架模型,探究影响因 素之间的相互关系,为提高智慧城市信息安全风险应对能力,确保智慧城市系统平稳运行提供参考。【方法/过程】 基于扎根理论,从半结构化访谈获得的访谈资料入手,通过开放式编码、主轴式编码、选择性编码和饱和度检验等 几个阶段,利用 NVivo12 软件对智慧城市信息安全影响要素进行关系梳理,构建智慧城市信息安全影响框架模 型。【结果/结论】根据三阶段编码分析,识别出智慧城市信息安全影响因素,阐明用户自身、数据服务、人员管理、 外部环境4大因素对智慧城市信息安全的影响及其相互之间的作用关系,为智慧城市信息安全体系建设提供较为 全面的参考。【创新/局限】本研究仅研究了智慧城市信息安全的影响因素,未对智慧城市信息安全进行数据层面的 实证探索,但也为日后智慧城市信息安全的进一步研究提供了新的思路。

Abstract: 【Purpose/significance】In the face of the increasingly prominent information security problems in smart cities, the frame⁃ work model of information security impact of smart cities is built to explore the interrelationship between the influencing factors, so as to provide references for improving the information security risk response capacity of smart cities and ensuring the smooth operation of smart city system.【Method/process】Based on the grounded theory, starting from the interview data obtained from semi-structured in⁃ terviews, through open coding, spindle coding, selective coding, saturation testing and other stages, NVivo12 software was used to sort out the relationship between the influencing factors of smart city information security and construct the framework model of smart city information security.【Result/conclusion】According to the three-stage coding analysis, the influencing factors of smart city information security are identified, and the influence of four factors on smart city information security, including users themselves, data service, personnel management and external environment, as well as the interaction between them are clarified, so as to provide a comprehen⁃ sive reference for the construction of smart city information security system.【Innovation/limitation】This study only studies the influ⁃ encing factors of smart city information security, and does not conduct empirical exploration on the information security of smart city at the data level. However, it also provides new ideas for further research on the information security of smart city in the future.