Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for civil engineering projects
Yang Jianying1,Zhao Yongjun2,Jin Huaicheng3,You Wei2,Wang Zhenhua1
1.Beijing Forestry University,100083;2.Monitoring Center of Soil and Water Conservation,MWR,100055;3.Soil and Water Conservation Station of
Abstract Civil engineering projects,which involve mass earth work,deteriorate the earth surface and vegetation cover in many spots and large areas.The soil and water losses and environmental destruction caused by engineering constructions have direct negative impact on the urban human settlement;therefore,they are among the sensitive projects.Based on the analysis on the characteristics of land occupying and soil and water losses caused by projects,by means of consultation of abundant laws,rules and technological codes about environment and resources in reference to the construction of cities and towns,through analysis,conclusion and summarization,we have put forward in this research the permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for civil engineering projects,and classified the permitted requirements into three sorts: entry,restricted approval and delayed approval.This research has also put forward the permitted requirements of soil and water conservation programs and opinions on the rank ordering of soil and water conservation plans.
YANG Jian-Yang-;Diao-Yong-Jun-;Jin-Fu-Cheng-;You-Wei-;Wang-Zhen-Hua. Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for civil engineering projects[J]. SSWCC, 2010, 8(3): 112-116.