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2010, Vol. 8 Issue (3) :117-120    DOI:
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Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for forestry-paper integration industry projects

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Abstract Forestry-paper integration is the state-determinate development direction and industry policy for the paper manufacturing industry.The main impact from the site is slathering of water resource and sewage disposal.Clearing of forest,soil preparation,plantation,felling,and transportation during the forestry construction and production operation may result in serious water and soil losses.In addition to the "Universal terms of permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for production and construction project",by means of analysis of the ways of forestry-paper integration and its operation,in consideration of the concerned laws,rules,industry policies,industry development programs and technological specifications,this research has put forward 17 conditions of soil and water conservation for the rejection,restricted approval and delayed approval of the forestry-paper integration engineering.Furthermore,based on the concerned laws,rules,and regulations of national codes of water and soil conservation and in light of analysis of typical cases,this research has summarized 13 conditions for rectification of the main design and 4 conditions for the rectification of the soil and water conservation program.
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XU Cheng
Keywords�� forestry-paper integration   soil and water conservation   permitted requirement     
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JIANG De-Wen, DANG Wei-Qi, CHEN Ji-Hu, XU Cheng.Permitted requirements of soil and water conservation for forestry-paper integration industry projects[J]  , 2010,V8(3): 117-120
http://www.sswcc.org//EN/     or     http://www.sswcc.org//EN/Y2010/V8/I3/117
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