Dynamic change of natural forest ecological benefit in Changbai Forest Industry Group since implementation of natural forest protection project |
WANG Hui1, WANG Bing1,2,3, NIU Xiang1,2,3, SONG Qingfeng1 |
1. Research Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 100091, Beijing, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Forest Ecology and Environment, State Forest Administration, 100091, Beijing, China; 3. Beijing Collaborative Innovation Center for Eco-environmental Improvement with Forestry and Fruit Trees, 102206, Beijing, China |
Abstract [Background] In 1998, after the flood disaster, the state implemented Natural Forest Protection Project (NFPP). This indicates that China's forestry transferred from wood production to ecological construction. NFPP is one of the six key forestry projects in China, but its ecological benefit assessment is less.[Methods] Based on forest resource inventory data and the field measurement database of long-term observation data in Changbai Forest Industry Group by the end of 2000 and 2015, combining the distributed calculation method, the continuous observation and periodical inventory of complete index system of forest ecosystem services (known as forest ecology continuous investigation) were applied to assess six services, including water conservation, soil conservation, carbon fixation and oxygen release, trees' nutrient accumulation, atmosphere purification, biodiversity conservation, and their characteristics were analyzed to quantify and reveal the dynamic changes of the ecological benefits of the NFPP in Changbai Forest Industry Group.[Results]The results showed that the quantity and value of services showed an increasing trend during the implementation of the NFPP. The increase and the growth rate of the five forest ecosystem services were:water conservation, 7.78×108 t/a; soil conservation, 2 255.32×104 t/a; carbon fixation and oxygen release, 191.87×104 t/a; trees' nutrient accumulation, 6.35×104 t/a, 0.22×1023 negative ions/a; pollutant absorption, 2 879.16×104 kg/a; PM10 adsorption, 122.43×104 kg/a; PM2.5 adsorption, 18.38×104 kg/a. During the implementation of natural forest protection project, the results showed that the total value of natural forest ecosystem services of Changbai Forest Industry Group increased by 381.75 billion/a. The order of values of the six service functions was as:biodiversity conservation, water conservation, soil conservation, atmosphere purification, carbon fixation and oxygen release order trees' nutrient accumulation. The value of biodiversity conservation and water conservation were more than 50%, which was the main ecosystem service function.[Conclusions] During the implementation of NFPP, the growth rate of soil conservation value was the largest, and water conservation was the second,which account for 27% and 20%, respectively. The study provides reference for the development of natural forest protection project, and provides scientific basis and guidance for the management of natural forest.
Received: 02 March 2017
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