中国水土保持科学  2024, Vol. 22 Issue (4): 14-24    DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023118
  水土保持科学与工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
周恒1, 陈永胜2,3,4, 曹永翔1,5, 于沭2, 夏朝辉1, 岳凡1
1. 中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司, 710065, 西安;
2. 中国水利水电科学研究院, 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室, 100048, 北京;
3. 中国地质大学(北京)工程技术学院, 100083, 北京;
4. 福建省交通规划设计院有限公司, 350004, 福州;
5. 陕西省"四主体一联合"河湖生态系统保护与修复校企联合研究中心, 710065, 西安
A loss evaluation method for overtopping-induced failure of clustered check dams under extreme rainfall conditions
ZHOU Heng1, CHEN Yongsheng2,3,4, CAO Yongxiang1,5, YU Shu2, XIA Zhaohui1, YUE Fan1
1. Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited, 710065, Xi'an, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, 100048, Beijing, China;
3. School of Engineering and Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), 100083, Beijing, China;
4. Fujian Communications Planning & Design Institute Co. Ltd., 350004, Fuzhou, China;
5. Shaanxi Union Research Center of University and Enterprise for River and Lake Ecosystems Protection and Restoration, 710065, Xi'an, China
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