中国水土保持科学  2017, Vol. 15 Issue (3): 9-16    DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2017.03.002
  基础研究 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
方肖晨, 王春红, 张荣华, 张光灿, 邢先双, 杨锐, 赵洁
1. 山东省土壤侵蚀与生态修复重点实验室/山东农业大学林学院, 271018, 山东泰安;
2. 水利部水利水电规划设计总院, 100120, 北京;
3. 山东省水文局, 250012, 济南
Soil particle size distribution characteristics under different land use types in Yinghe Watershed of Funiu Mountain Area
FANG Xiaochen, WANG Chunhong, ZHANG Ronghua, ZHANG Guangcan, XING Xianshuang, YANG Rui, ZHAO Jie
1. The Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration of Shandong Province, College of Forestry, Shandong Agricultural University, 271018, Tai'an, Shandong, China;
2. Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design General Institute, Ministry of Water Resources, 100120, Beijing, China;
3. Hydrographic Office of Shandong Province, 250002, Jinan, China
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