Effects of different tending techniques on the soil erosion and water loss in young plantations |
LI Hua1,2, ZHENG Lu1,2, WU Sida1, CHEN Lin1,2, LI Chaoying1, MING Angang1,2, MIN Huilin1,2, HAO Jian1 |
1. Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, 532600, Pingxiang, Guangxi, China; 2. Guangxi Youyiguan Forest Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station, Youyiguan Forest Ecosystem Observation and Research Station of Guangxi, 532600, Pingxiang, Guangxi, China |
Abstract [Background] Soil erosion and water loss in the forest land after clear-cutting and control burning were serious, and it is the limiting factor of sustainable management of plantations. The young forest tending is one of the important measures of plantation management, which can promote the growth of young trees and accelerate the closure of young forest. Different tending techniques have different disturbance degrees to soil, can they effectively reduce soil and water loss in forest land? In this paper, the effects of different tending techniques on the soil erosion and water loss in young plantations after control burning were analyzed. [Methods] Two kinds of tending techniques (brush breaking tending and overall tending) were considered in a control burning site of 30-year-old Pinus massoniana plantation in southern Guangxi. Based on the fixed position observation of the 3 runoff plots of each tending techniques, the soil erosion and water loss were measured from 2018 to 2020. We compared the soil erosion and water loss, and analyzed the relationship between rainfall and runoff depth and sediment loss of the two different tending techniques. [Results] 1) In the first two years after control burning in which the soil erosion and water loss was serious occurred, the annual volume of runoff of brush breaking tending plots were 65.4% and 64.5% of overall tending plots, respectively. The annual amount of sediment loss of brush breaking tending plots were 46.9% and 37.2% of overall tending plots, respectively. In rainy months, the soil erosion and water loss were more obvious or significant lower in the brush breaking tending plots than in the overall tending plots (P<0.05). In the third year after control burning, the brush breaking tending plots still significantly reduced the soil erosion and water loss in tending months and the whole year. 2) Brush breaking tending treatment increased the minimum rainfall for surface runoff. With the increase of daily rainfall amount, the soil erosion and water loss were significantly lower in the brush breaking tending plots than in the overall tending plots. [Conclusions] In the clear-cutting and control burning site of southern Guangxi, it is effective to prevent soil erosion and water loss by changing tending techniques.
Received: 12 January 2022
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