Scene recognition for construction projects based on the combination detection of detailed ground objects |
PU Jian1,2, LIU Renyu3, WANG Zhigang1,2, ZHANG Tong3, LI Jianming1,2, SHEN Shengyu1,2, XU Wensheng1,2, LIU Jigen1,2 |
1. Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute of Changjiang Water Resources Commission, 430010, Wuhan, China; 2. Research Center on Mountain Torrent & Geologic Disaster Prevention of the Ministry of Water Resources, 430010, Wuhan, China; 3. State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University, 430079, Wuhan, China |
Abstract [Background] Construction projects belong to complex semantic scenes, and their automatic recognition is a technical challenge for dynamic monitoring of soil erosion and supervision of soil and water conservation. The construction projects in high-resolution remote sensing images lack a unified semantic concept definition, and their scenes contain a variety of artificial and natural features, with highly unstructured and significantly different image features inside the scenes. Therefore, it is necessary to study the target detection method for Construction projects. [Methods] We proposed a target detection method and theoretical system for complex semantic scenes of construction projects. GF-1 remote sensing image of 2 m resolution was used for annotation. Firstly, based on the construction projects data and its detailed ground object dataset for target detection, we selected high-information detailed ground objects for target detection according to the information content. Then, the Faster RCNN algorithm was used to detect construction projects and high-information detail ground objects separately, and the prediction result frame merging with detail ground objects combination correction was used to jointly increase the confidence of construction projects identification and optimize the detection results. [Results] Wuhan construction projects dataset is built, including construction project, bare land(rock), cover, construction road, prefabricated house, construction structure and built building, which amount is 752, 763, 154, 82, 372, 292, and 278, information content is 18.81, 20.96, 9.93, 44.82, 28.77, and 8.22, respectively. Comparing this method with three other methods under the same experimental conditions, including Faster RCNN, Yolo, and variation of this method. The experimental results show that the accuracy evaluation indexes of the method on the produced Wuhan construction projects dataset are better than other comparison methods, and its AP(average precision) value and F1 score reach 0.773 and 0.417, respectively. The AP values of the three other methods were 0.755,0.693 and 0.754, and the F1 scores were 0.415,0.361, and 0.405, respectively. Compared with the other three methods, all of them have a certain degree of improvement. This method can effectively reduce the rate of wrong detection and improve the coincidence of correct detection results. [Conclusions] Better recognition results for construction projects in complex semantic scenes can be gained by this method. By the application of this method we can accurately and effectively identify the construction project, and by comparing it with the water and soil conservation program that has been reported, it can determine whether the construction project is built before approval and disturbed beyond the approved boundary, so as to achieve full coverage supervision of the construction project.
Received: 06 May 2022
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