Effects of different tillage methods on the project of changing slope intoterrace in small watersheds
Zhang Songsong1, Hu Xuli2, Zhang Guangcan1, Xing Wei1, Liu Xia3, Yao Xiaoyou2
1. Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration of Shandong Province, School of Forestry,Shandong Agricultural University, 271018, Tai'an, Shandong, China; 2. Soil and Water ConservationDivision of Huaihe River Commission of Water Resources Ministry, 233001, Bengbu, Anhui,China;3. School of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, 210037, Nanjing, China
Abstract In order to understand the implementation effects of different tillage methods on terracing project in small watersheds, we surveyed the amount of soil loss, hydrology and physical properties of soiland crop yield of the terrace where different tillage methods (furrow and ridge tillage, non-tillage and embankment tillage) had been applied after the implementation of the project, in Dayu small watershed of Yishui Cunty in Yimeng mountainous area, Shandong Province. The concept of economic index in soiland water conservation was introduced to analyze ecological and economic coupling effects in soil and water conservation of terrace with different tillage methods. The results show that: tillage methods had significant impacts on ecological and economic effects in soil and water conservation of the terracing project after the implementation of the project. 1) Compared to slope terrace (with embankment stillage), the field soil loss and field nutrient loss of fruit terrace (without tillage) were 7.1% and 9.6%respectively, which were much smaller than those of crops terrace (with furrow and ridge tillage) of22.1% and 24.8%. That was to say, the control effect of non-tillage was significantly greater than that of furrow and ridge tillage. 2) Compared with slope farmland, crops terrace and fruit terrace increased the soil particles fractal dimension, soil capillary porosity and soil total porosity by more than 30%. Butthe effect of the latter on the improvement of hydrologically physical properties of soil was greater than the former. 3) The ecological and economic index in soil and water conservation (Ec) of slope terrace (with embankment tillage) was 19% of that of the crop terrace (with furrow and ridge tillage). The ecologicaland economic index in soil and water conservation (Ec) of fruit terrace (non-tillage) was 18.87 times as high as that of crops terrace (with furrow and ridge tillage). The effects of non-tillage in controlling soil erosion and nutrient loss, improving hydrologically physical properties of soil and improving soil and water conservation economy coupling were significantly greater than embankment tillage. The way of furrow and ridge tillage that destroyed embankments and ridges could significantly reduce the ecological and economic effects in soil and water conservation of terracing project, including increasing amount of soiland nutrient loss, reducing the hydrologically physical properties of soil and the ecological and economicindex in soil and water conservation. This research mainly illustrated that after carrying out terracingproject, terraces with different tillage methods have effects to varying extent in controlling soil erosion and nutrient loss, improving hydrologically physical properties of soil, and coupling soil and water conservation and economy. Our study would provided basis and reference for understanding the relationship between terracing project and ecological and economic effect.
Zhang Songsong,Hu Xuli,Zhang Guangcan, et al. Effects of different tillage methods on the project of changing slope intoterrace in small watersheds[J]. SSWCC, 2015, 13(6): 91-97.