SSWCC  2014, Vol. 12 Issue (3): 66-70    DOI:
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Distribution characteristics and evolution of rocky and desertified land in Pingguo County of Guangxi based on "3S"techniques
Wang Junhua1,2,3, Mo Weihua1, Chen Yanli1, Mo Jianfei1, Zhong Shiquan1, Su Yongxiu1
1.Guangxi Institute of Meteorological and Disaster Mitigation, Remote Sensing Application and Experiment Station of National Satellite Meteorological Center, 530022, Nanning, China;
2.Meteorological Bureau of Luzhai County, 545600, Liuzhou,Guangxi,China; 3.Meteorological Bureau of Liujiang County, 545100, Liuzhou,Guangxi,China
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