SSWCC  2010, Vol. 8 Issue (1): 28-33    DOI:
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Effects of soil and water conservation on reduction of runoff and sediment in Chabagou Watershed
Qi Junyu1,2,Cai Qiangguo1,Fang Haiyan1,Chen Xiao'an1,3,Nie Binbin1,4,Cui Puwei1,3
1.Key Laboratory of Water Cycle and Related Land Surface Processes,Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research,CAS,100101,Beijing;2.Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,100049,Beijing;3.College of Resources and Environment,Huazhong Agriculture University,430070,Wuhan;4.College of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agriculture University,430070,Wuhan: China
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