Vegetation restoration technique of mining wasteland in Gejiu Stannary of Yunnan Province |
Fang Xiangjing1,Wang Wei2,Zhang Hongjiang2,Cheng Jinhua2,Zheng Guoqiang2 |
1.Yunnan Academy of Forestry,650204,Kunming;2.College of Soil and Water Conservation,Beijing Forestry University,100083,Beijing: China |
Abstract Vegetation restoration technique is a hot topic for ecological restoration of mining wasteland both at home and abroad.An experiment of different vegetation restoration techniques carried on mining wasteland in Gejiu Stannary,and a comprehensive coordinate method for evaluating vegetation growth condition,soil physical properties,nutrient status and heavy metal contents of soils was presented for 5 types of vegetation plots.The results showed that sample plots of Alnus nepalensis+Mahonia fortunei,Pistacia weinmannifolia+Sabina chinensis and Eucommia ulmoides were significant differences from contrastive wasteland,which was on their standardized values.Vegetation measures could improve soil aeration and permeability,increase soil nutrient contents,cut down heavy metal contents of mining wasteland.Depending on the experimentation results,Alnus nepalensis,Mahonia fortunei,Pistacia weinmannifolia,and Eucommia ulmoides should be selected as pioneer plants for the ecological restoration of tin mining wasteland.
Received: 02 April 2009