A field experiment to simulate infiltration processes of the urban pervious surfaces |
Chen Li1,2,Xu Xiangzhou1,Chai Guowei1,Xu Yi1 |
1.School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering,Dalian University of Technology,116024,Dalian,Liaoning;2.CCCC-TDC Binhai Environmental Channel Dredging Co.,LTD,300450,Tianjin:China |
Abstract The field experiment is an effective way to explore the infiltration properties of the urban pervious surface.This study presents a novel method feasible to the field study of the urban pervious surfaces,and provides the infiltration characteristics of the grass-embedded pavement.Then a field experiment with detailed observation of runoff processes was carried on the grass-embedded pavement.It could be concluded that: 1) The simulator was a movable and water-saving device which could do little changes on the environment near the experimental field,and it is also enough sensitive and operable.2) It is the waving grasses planted in the brick holes that blocks the runoff in the initial stage of the rainfall simulation and fluctuates the runoff process curves in the later stage.3) When the water content of the land surface was saturated,and the rainfall intensity was 1.19 mm/min,the coefficient of the grass-embedded pavement is 0.42.
Received: 23 September 2008