SSWCC  2008, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 79-86    DOI:
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Landscape pattern change and prediction on county scale of west Songnen grasslands: A case study of Dumeng County
Li Yunping<sup>1</sup>,Liu Yongbing<sup>2</sup>,Wang Jiping<sup>3</sup>,Li Hailong<sup>4</sup>,Zhang Guoming<sup>5</sup>
1.College of Shanxi Forestry Technology,030009,Taiyuan;2.Environmental Protection Research Institute of Light Industry,100089,Beijing;3.Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100085,Beijing;4.The Graduate School of Landscape Architecture,Peking
University,100871,Beijing;5.Institute of Loess Plateau,Shanxi University,030006,Taiyuan: China
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