Ecological gradient of plant community in the dry valley of Minjiang River |
Ye Minsheng1, Guan Wenbin1, Bai Zhanxiong1, Ma Keming2, Liu Guohua2, Wang Xilin1 |
1.College of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University, Key Lab. of Soil and Water Conservation of Ministry of Education, 100083; 2.Key Lab. of Systems Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environment Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100085: Beijing, China |
Abstract To provide scientific accordance for vegetation rehabilitation and biological diversity protection, quantitative analysis method-DCCA ordination was used to analyze the vegetation and environmental data to reveal the relationship of ecological gradient and the distribution of plant community in the dry valley of the Minjiang River. Then the relationship of ground biomass of different shrubs and environmental factors were studied using principal component analysis. The result of DCCA ordination showed that the distribution of vegetation in the region is affected synthetically by soil moisture, soil nutrient and micro-topography. Principal component analysis showed that soil pH value, readily available P, Total N, soil organic matter and aspect of slope as the first principal component had effects on ground biomass of shrubs. The second principal component mainly included soil moisture and altitude. The third and forth principal component mainly consisted of soil readily available K and slope gradient respectively. Ground biomass of main shrub is also affected synthetically by soil nutrient, soil moisture and topography.
Received: 28 October 2004