Abstract:By comparative investigation, the populus growth, soil physical properties, soil nutrient, and the rhizosphere effects of soil nutrient between populus and intercrops were studied in 3 agroforestry ecosystems, which intercropped mentha spicata, Triticum aestivum, Ipomoea batatas, respectively. Pure populous plantation was chosen as the control. The result showed that the populus growth in agroforestry ecosystems intercropping mentha spicata was obviously lower than other three stands. The key factor that influenced Populus growth were soil nutrients of the rhizosphere and rhizosphere effect variation, rather than soil physical properties, soil pH value and soil nutrients of the non - rhizosphere. In the rhizosphere soil, the soil nutrient content of intercropping triticum aestivum and ipomoea batatas was higher; but soil organic matter and available P content in rhizosphere of intercropping mentha spicata were higher than that of pure stand, while soil available K and N presented inverse tendency. For the intercrops, the soil nutrient content except available N of mentha spicata were all higher than that of triticum aestivum and ipomoea batatas. With respect to the rhizosphere effect of soil nutrients, soil nutrients except the soil organic matter in intercropping mentha spicata were all less than that of the pure plantation and mentha spicata, soil nutrients except the available P in intercropping triticum aestivum were all higher than that of pure plantation and triticum aestivum, soil nutrients except the available P in intercropping ipomoea batatas were all lower than that of pure plantation, and higher than that of ipomoea batatas except the available N.