Analysis on the tree stratum niche characteristics of Quercus phillyraeoides communities
XIE Chun-Beng-; Fang-Pan-; Fang-Tan-Meng
1.Investigation Department of Nanjing Forest Police College,210046;2.College of Forest Resources and Environment,Nanjing Forestry University,210037:Nanjing,China
Abstract:Based on the using importance value as one index of resource state,tree stratus niche characteristics of Quercus phillyraeoides communities distributed in Fujian Jiangshi,Zhejing Kaihua,Guangdong Renhua,Hunan Yuanling,and Guizhou Libo were calculated and analyzed with Levins,Hurtlbert,Pianka and Schoener formulas.The results showed that: 1) As the edificator in the communities,the niche breadth value of Quercus phillyraeoides was larger than other species,with Levins(Bi) and Hurlberts’(Ba) values being 0.678,0.690,0.693,0.682,0.694 and 0.879,0.950,0.967,0.908,0.972 respectively.2) For more than 70% species pair,values of niche overlap were less than 0.6,which indicated that species in the communities were partial to special resource and there were niche differentiation among them;what’s more,niche overlap between the species did not mean the competition,which should happen when the communities went short of resources.3) the distribution proportion of Schoener value(Cih>0.4) was 44.76%,24.09%,33.33%,39.08% and 43.69% respectively in Jiangshi,Kaihua,Renhua,Yuanling,and Libo,which means they were highly similar in the requirement of resource,and we can judge the niche differentiation by the niche similarity.4) Quercus phillyraeoides communities belonged to the stable climax,so the niche of each species in the communities was chosen by the nature for a long term;Quercus phillyraeoides would keep the dominant state unless the human disturb occurrs.