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Expert consensus on the diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Committee of Nasopharyngeal Cancer of Chinese Anti-Cancer Association, Li Jingao, Chen Xiaozhong, Lin Shaojun, Hu Chaosu
Department of Radiation Oncology,Jiangxi Cancer Hospital,Nanchang 330029,China (Li JG); Department of Radiation Oncology,Fujian Cancer Hospital,Fuzhou 350005,China (Lin SJ); Department of Radiation Oncology,zhejian Cancer Hospital,Hangzhou 310022,China (Chen XZ); Department of Radiation Oncology,Cancer Hospital,Fuda University,Shanghai 200032,China (Hu CS)
Abstract Locoregional recurrenceand distant metastasis are the major reasons for nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treatment failure. Nearly 10% of patients suffer locoregional recurrenceafter intensity-modulated radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy. Additionally,4% to 10% of patients newly diagnosed with NPC and 15% to 30% of patients receiving radical treatment have distant metastasis. Early accurate diagnosis and timely intervention contribute to better therapeutic outcomes of recurrent or metastatic NPC,because salvage therapy based on misdiagnosis may bring severe complications to patients. To date,there are no global guidelines or expert consensus on the diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic NPC.Herein,this expert consensus raisesthe recommendations and suggestions for the diagnosis ofrecurrent or metastatic NPC,providing a reference for clinical practice.
Corresponding Authors:
Li Jingao,Email lijingao@hotmail.com
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Committee of Nasopharyngeal Cancer of Chinese Anti-Cancer Association,Li Jingao,Chen Xiaozhong et al. Expert consensus on the diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(1): 7-15.
Committee of Nasopharyngeal Cancer of Chinese Anti-Cancer Association,Li Jingao,Chen Xiaozhong et al. Expert consensus on the diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018, 27(1): 7-15.
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