AbstractObjective To discover the existing problems and provide appropriate suggestions and countermeasures through the quality control inspection. MethodsA comprehensive quality control inspection was conducted for the radiotherapy equipment in 45 hospitals in Zhejiang province. The physical, technical, clinical and radiotherapy process and the parameters related to quality control were evaluated. Results As of December 31, 2017, a total of 62 linear accelerators from 45 hospitals have been assessed. In the radiotherapy process, multiple quality control problems were identified in terms of radiotherapy equipment configuration, clinical work quality, radiotherapy technology and personnel qualifications. Besides, unreasonable equipment configuration, shortage of radiotherapy staff, clinical work flow and the quality assurance of physical radiotherapy remained to be resolved. Conclusion Regular quality control of radiotherapy plays a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy, effectiveness and medical safety of radiotherapy.
Zhejiang Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment QalityControl Center,Chen Xiaozhong,Zhu Yuan et al. Quality control report of tumor radiotherapy in Zhejiang province[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2019, 28(5): 321-325.
Zhejiang Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment QalityControl Center,Chen Xiaozhong,Zhu Yuan et al. Quality control report of tumor radiotherapy in Zhejiang province[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2019, 28(5): 321-325.
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