Abstract:Objective To study Monte Carlo simulation to guide the dose optimization of intra-operative radiotherapy (IORT) for breast cancer, and evaluating its effects of clinical application. Methods The MCBEAM program of MCTP is used to establish the model of the accelerator using for breast cancer patients′ IORP. The preoperative CT images are edited to intra-operative states using independent developed editor, then determing the target at the intra-operative states and setting equivalent material and lead of different thicknesses in front of and behind the target. Calculating with the MCSIM program to get the optimal combination of the equivalent material and lead. There are 23 patients who accepted IORT with the optical combination of themselves, and the situations of wounds healing, reactions of radiotherapy, cosmetic effects and the recurrence of cancer are observed. Results By adding 2-3 mm equivalent material in front of the target and 5 mm equivalent material and 2 mm lead behind the target, the 90% isodose curve almost wraps around the target volume;and the V90>90% and the V110<4%. The average dose of lung is less than 1 Gy. The 23 patients′ wounds healed well, and there are no wounds′ infection and radiotherapy reaction;after the healing of wounds and half a year after the operation, the excellent rate of breasts′ appearance is over 80%, and no tumor recurrence was found. Conclusions The method of MC guided dose optimization of IORT for breast cancer is reliable, the dose distribution of target volume is uniform. There were no adverse reactions to radiotherapy and the cosmetic effect is satisfying. This method is well worthy of clinical popularizing.
Yang Bo*,Wang Zhenwu,Kong Xudong et al. Monte carlo simulation based dose optimization of intra-operative radiotherapy for breast cancer and its clinical application[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2015, 24(3): 310-313.
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