Abstract:Objective To evaluate the effect of GTV volume on response of esophageal carcinoma.Methods From Jan.2004 to Dec.2008, 72 cases newly diagnosed N0 stage thoracic esophageal carcinomas were included in this retrospective study. All treatment plans were set up and designed by CT simulator and 3D TPS. They received dose 56-70 Gy/27-33F/6-7w with 6MV X-ray. The GTV, the tumor length and maximum diameters were measured on the treatment planning system with the X-ray. RECIST standard was applied to evaluate the radiotherapy response of esophageal carcinoma. The effectiveness of related prognostic factors on survival was evaluated by univariate analyses.Results The short-term response with CR were 79% with length <5 cm, 48% with 5-7 cm and 26% with length >7 cm(P=0.003).The 1-, 2-,3- and 5-year survival rates were 93%,79%,69%,69%;91%,61%,46%,46% and 80%,46%,28%,22%(P=0.037). The short-term response with CR were 56% with maximum diameters ≤3 cm and 33% with maximum diameters >3 cm(P=0.033).The 1- , 2- ,3- and 5-year survival rates were 91%,72%,55%,37% and 80%,45%,30%,30%(P=0.037). The short-term response with CR were 52% with GTV volume≤40 cm3 and 30% with GTV volume >40 cm3(P=0.059).The 1-, 2-,3- and 5-year survival rates were 91%,67%,51%,41% and 80%,43%,27%,27%(P=0.047).In the multivariate analysis, the length of GTV was likely to be the most important factor for the short-term response(P=0.005,0.014). Conclusions GTV volume, the tumor length and maximum diameters are factors for short-term response of N0 stage esophageal carcinoma. The GTV length is independent prognostic factor. The GTV length is the worse the prognosis will be.
Su Na,Wang Yadi,Li Chenglin et al. The effect of tumor length,maximum diameters and volume on the response of N0 stage thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma [J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2014, 23(1): 27-30.
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