Abstract:Objective Hybrid attention U-net (HA-U-net) neural network was designed based on U-net for automatic delineation of craniospinal clinical target volume (CTV) and the segmentation results were compared with those of U-net automatic segmentation model. Methods The data of 110 craniospinal patients were reviewed, Among them, 80 cases were selected for the training set, 10 cases for the validation set and 20 cases for the test set. HA-U-net took U-net as the basic network architecture, double attention module was added at the input of U-net network, and attention gate module was combined in skip-connection to establish the craniospinal automatic delineation network model. The evaluation parameters included Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), Hausdorff distance (HD) and precision. Results The DSC, HD and precision of HA-U-net network were 0.901±0.041,2.77±0.29 mm and 0.903±0.038, respectively, which were better than those of U-net (all P<0.05). Conclusion The results show that HA-U-net convolutional neural network can effectively improve the accuracy of automatic segmentation of craniospinal CTV, and help doctors to improve the work efficiency and the consistent delineation of CTV.
Li Hongwei,Ni Chunxia,Chen Shu et al. Automatic delineation of craniospinal clinical target volume based on hybrid attention U-net[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2022, 31(3): 266-271.
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