Abstract:Objective To propose a method of image similarity measurement based on structure information and intuitionistic fuzzy set and measure the similarity between CT image and CBCT image of radiotherapy plan positioning, aiming to objectively measure the setup errors. Methods A total of four pre-registration images of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient on the cross-sectional and sagittal planes and a pelvic tumor patient on the cross-sectional and coronal planes were randomly selected. Five methods were used to quantify the setup errors, including correlation coefficient, mean square error, image joint entropy, mutual information and similarity measure method. Results All five methods could describe the deviation to a certain extent. Compared with other methods, the similarity measure method showed a stronger upward trend with the increase of errors. After normalization, the results of five types of error increase on the cross-sectional plane of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient were 0.553, 0.683, 1.055, 1.995, 5.151, and 1.171, 1.618, 1.962, 1.790, 3.572 on the sagittal plane, respectively. The results of other methods were between 0 and 2 after normalization, and the results of different errors of the same method slightly changed. In addition, the method was more sensitive to the soft tissue errors. Conclusions The image similarity measurement method based on structure information and intuitionistic fuzzy set is more consistent with human eye perception than the existing evaluation methods. The errors between bone markers and soft tissues can be objectively quantified to certain extent. The soft tissue deviation reflected by the setup errors is of significance for individualized precision radiotherapy.
Zhong Jiajian,Qiu Minmin,Huang Taiming et al. Application of image similarity measure based on structure information and intuitionistic fuzzy set in radiotherapy setup verification[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2021, 30(9): 936-941.
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