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马佳彬, 甄宏楠, 管慧, 刘志凯, 沈晶, 王文惠, 苗政, 晏俊芳, 孟庆宇, 胡克, 张福泉
中国医学科学院北京协和医学院北京协和医院放疗科 100730
Analysis of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing radiotherapy during COVID-19 epidemic period
Ma Jiabin, Zhen Hongnan, Guan Hui, Liu Zhikai, Shen Jing, Wang Wenhui, Miao Zheng, Yan Junfang, Meng Qingyu, Hu Ke, Zhang Fuquan
Department of Radiation Oncology, PekingUnion Medical CollegeHospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the anxiety and depression of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy during the epidemic of COVID-19. Methods By using self-rating anxiety scale and self-rating depression scale, a cross-sectional survey was conducted during the COVID-19 epidemic period. Results During the COVID-19 epidemic period, the incidence of anxiety and depression in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy was 15.8% and 27.7% respectively, of which 12.9% suffered from both anxiety and depression. The average scores of anxiety and depression were 49.4(25/76) and 46.4(25/83), respectively,which were higher than those of the domestic norm. Age is a contributing factor for anxiety, and patients living in urban are more likely to experience depression. Conclusions The prevalence of anxiety and depression of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy are higher than healthy people during the COVID-19 outbreak. We should pay more attention to the psychological states of the cancer patients.
Ma Jiabin,Zhen Hongnan,Guan Hui et al. Analysis of anxiety and depression in patients undergoing radiotherapy during COVID-19 epidemic period[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2020, 29(8): 615-618.
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