Effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on the NFAT3/c4 signaling pathway after whole brain radiotherapy
Xu Meiling, Zhang Junjun, Zhang Qixian, Wu Haohao, Fan Qiuhong, Tian Ye
Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology,Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Institute of Radiation Oncology;Soochow University;Suzhou Key Laboratory of Tumor Radiotherapy,Suzhou 215004,China
Abstract:Objective To explore the effects of various radiation doses on the NFAT3/c4 signaling pathway and the improvement effect of exogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) on this pathway. Methods Four groups of one-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats received radiation doses of 0, 2, 10, and 20 Gy, respectively, in a single radiation. At three days after radiation, exogenous BDNF was injected stereotaxically into the bilateral hippocampus. Western blotting and RT-PCR were used to assess the levels of NFAT3/c4-related proteins in the hippocampus. Results The results of Western blotting and RT-PCR showed that the level of NFAT3/c4 was reduced in a dose-and time-dependent manner after ionizing radiation. Compared with the radiation alone group, the ionizing radiation plus BDNF group had significantly increased levels of NFAT3/c4 and CaN with increases in radiation dose and time. Conclusions Whole brain radiotherapy inhibits the CaN/NFAT3/c4 signaling pathway. Exogenous BDNF can promote the NFAT-dependent transcription and then improve the cognitive function.
Xu Meiling,Zhang Junjun,Zhang Qixian et al. Effect of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on the NFAT3/c4 signaling pathway after whole brain radiotherapy[J]. Chinese Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2017, 26(12): 1438-1442.
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